it's currently 12:15 am right now and i really need to go to bed but i thought i'd write a quick diary entry before heading to bed. i've been having a lot of fun recently playing minecraft with my friends and such, me and one of my close online friends made this hobbit hole that i think is so so so cute. i want to take screenshots of it's progress soon and put them on here so you can see how cute it is. it's not finished just yet... i still have to build our kitchen and add more decorations and it'll be cool. on another server with another friend i've been building a cottage with her, and she's adding in kawaii wool pixel art like fucking nyan cat LMFAO.
erm.. other than that i'm going to a con late july, and i'm Really excited for it but at the same time i'm dreading it cause i'm going to be flying there with a friend, and the place it's being held at is *royally* expensive. over 800 dollars just for cost of flight+hotel alone. then i want to atleast bring 200 for food, and 300 for buying little things. So... i need to accumulate $1400 dollars by then. i'm really hoping i get more hours at work. but ignoring all that stressful stuff... i'm going to be doing my first actual #forrealsies cosplay and not just a maid outfit at this con. i'm gonna be going as malleus draconia from twisted wonderland, and though i don't think my features nor stature really suit him well, i'm hoping it will look good! tbh if i wanted to i could probably pull of epel pretty well.
i need to buy a wig and style it, and buy a cosplay (cause i honestly don't have time to make it from scratch rn.) and tinker with the cosplay to look good on me. i'm gonna try and do his masquerade outfit.. but i could always do his regular outfit. i'm pretty excited. i just have to save a toooon of money. (really hard since im also going to new york end of may... sweats)
here's my fave song for the month, i've had it on repeat for the past few days and i don't intend on stopping anytime soon.
uhmm hi. it's april now and it's now extremely hot and humid outside with the occasional flip back to 40 degrees all day with fog. today is one of those dreary, gloomy days where it is cold, cloudy and rainy. i went to class this morning, took a quiz, went home. i thought about stopping by this coffee shop that's popular in my town to get a hot chocolate, cause if i'm really being honest, they make the best hot chocolate i've ever had in my entire life. i've had it while i had a sinus infection once and that shit was like a life elixir. literally cured me of all diseases it was so good. i didn't though, cause i wanted to go lay back in bed and it was all rainy.
i've been reading the hobbit these past 2 days and i'm on chapter 3 right now. i don't know if i'll watch the movie or not before finishing it (i might cause i love spoiling myself....) but i'm pretty into the novel it's pretty good. i wanna get the rest of the series too. moving on though, i feel so deprived or something from nature and i was thinking maybe on sunday when i don't have to work i could stop by the lake and maybe just draw or something near the bank with a little snack (many crimes also happen at this lake so i gotta Hide like a rabbit in a bush as to not get sex trafficked or something). i want to be alone though, and just sit around some body of water.
if it's warm enough, ill skinny dip. if not i'll just walk around the area and be silly. since it's connected with a hiking trail unfortunately i won't be *completely isolated* however i pray not many people decide to go to the lake when i'm trying to go to the lake to be fucking emo and gay. idk. whenever i start listening to boards of canada and aphex twin or similar i start getting antsy to be in the woods all the time and alone.
anyways i've dropped 1 out of i think 4 cameras i need to get developed that have accumulated in my house over the past year LOL so in 2 weeks i'll go see what's on them. im kind of excited to see whats on each camera because i used these cameras quite literally a year ago and so i've completely forgotten what photos are on it and so i'm excited to see. if some are good enough to post, i'll either put them here or over in my gallery... maybe my gallery since i haven't used it yet. i think that's all i really wanted to share today? idk.
p.s. check out my new phone charm i bought its pretty freaking kawaii